Saturday, March 26, 2011

RE: Rule of Common Sense

It has come to my attention that the majority of us are really LAZY in term coming to the term and the subject of Financial Planning or Financial "Future"

I was reading the book "Rule of Wealth" and there was a rule there -Rule 71 mentioned that "What is in for them" meaning what do they (the people or the so called guru) have to gain from you or from recruiting you etc. Even MLM is consider such if they violated the basic principle.....nothing is free and nothing come without a price. In MLM even though it is a legitimate business model and business opp. and has indeed being this decade best innovative franchise or self enterprising business....however it has it dark side and also it down side -one of them being downline or recruiting and there are many would disagree with me in this and esp from someone who did not progress further than an agency manager in the hierarchy chain. But the simple fact is MLM is about producing more manpower or so called downline and with each downline -the revenue and the income come in.....simple fact and there is no debate on this -it is a money making model - each downline maintain a number of required personnel and each presonnel in turn recruit the same required number and each number buy the same number of required PV each month.....if they do not have downline they do not have benefit. Simple math and simple revenue calculation -so basically u need bottom line .............same in any business -you need customers to buy your products to increase your business and your business output....

Which bring me to the rule mentioned as above -what it is in for them -well they are helping you to achieve your dream - financial freedom (yes) at the same time their they win and you win what is the harm - well some might say none some might differ -both side of the coins has both pro and con....but the basic rule is - before you decide this is too good to be true alway use the above rule as indicator -is this what you want?

End of Part 1...... Goal to Financial riches on this same rules...